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2023 Niches To Keep An Eye Out For In Affiliate Marketing

As we slowly progress into 2023, setting up the proper game plan for the upcoming year is going to be key to being ahead of the curve. Knowing what niches are predicted to be big and what can you do to push your niche is a step you have to plan for. We’ll be discussing the niches predicted to hit big in 2023 and some helpful steps to plan ahead!

We’re going to dissect these niches within a social style such as: blogs, hobby, platforms and even some social media trends to watch out for when managing influencers or profiles within your affiliate program.
The trends and niches we’ll discuss today may not all be for you as far as blog writing, your podcast or YouTube channel. If you are looking to recruit affiliates to promote your own offer, however, it is helpful to know some of the niches that are going to be doing well so you know the right influencers or affiliates to search for to get the most profit possible!

The Platform That...

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Why Investing In Good Influencer Analytics Equals Health & Success in Your Affiliate Program

As I mentioned in previous blog posts, maintaining good influencer analytics is a big component in a successful affiliate program. Why? Imagine choosing influencers with a lot of followers thinking it’s a good fit but they don’t have the right audience to get you the sales. Let me explain in an example:
You're in a partnership with Influencer A that has 105,000 followers (because, well, it’s an impressive number.)
Your target audience and consumers are age group 27-35 with an interest in fishing.
Influencer A barely makes any sales but has a lot of likes in the post featured with your product.
What happened? Well If we dove into Influencer A’s analytics it would show you, only 60% of their following is real profiles and not robots. Out of 60% of those real followers, 55% of that are age groups 18-21 with the remainder being age group 25+ and within that 5% being that age group 95% of that 5% is mostly women not men, which...
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Common Mistakes Businesses Make In Affiliate Marketing & How To Avoid Them

Affiliate marketing is a powerful tool that can lead to successful results, expanded brand awareness and large revenue numbers. However, like anything else, it’s done so by doing things the right way and when executed poorly, can lead to some pretty stressful and disappointing moments.
Knowing the common mistakes businesses make when launching an Affiliate marketing program and how to avoid them can help your business stay on track rather than cause a train wreck!
So what are the common mistakes, the break down and solution to it? Let’s get into it!

Mistake 1:  RUSHING the process & grabbing any influencer with high numbers.

Pump those breaks! Numbers on following accounts can be very deceiving. Now you may automatically assume, yes yes Angela we know, sometimes it’s just bots. Eh wrong, not just bots but unengaged accounts! You read that right. A profile can have all the followers in the world, but if 75% of...
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5 Lessons Before Finding Your Next Affiliate Partner

This blog contains affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission in exchange for your product or service purchase after clicking one of my links--don't worry, there is no extra cost to you.
Often times, we get so roped in to shiny object syndrome that we see the benefits of Affiliate Marketing (which are extensive, I must add) and we dismiss the actual pre-work that should go into forming successful partnerships.
It's important that you are aware that there is a little bit of due diligence that must be performed before you go solidifying any partnership.
In this world of the oh-so-valuable free social media platforms we have access to, poaching affiliate partners via Instagram DMs or even targeted Facebook ads is so common. And it's tempting to accept every offer that comes your way, even for me. But, I know better than to take the bait right away. That is, before fully evaluating the partnership.
So if you are currently engaging in affiliate...
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How to drive traffic to your affiliate links

Hey fellow affiliate marketer! 

So you have joined forces with affiliate merchants (ie some brands that you love) and are now wondering… “how do I get traffic to my affiliate links?
It’s a common question, and I have a few answers that should spark some ideas for you.
But first, let's do a quick refresh on what your landing pages should look like.

Your Affiliate Landing Pages

If we are going to drive traffic somewhere, it better be buttoned up.
So whether your links are integrated into a blog post, resources page or video (like on YouTube), you’ll want to make sure that your landing page is somewhere on your website.
With YouTube, you can link or embed the video within a landing page on your site.
Next, make sure your links are listed more than once:
The first link will be within the intro paragraph. Second, a couple times within the body as you are mentioning your affiliate product...
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