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How To Know if Your Brand Is Ready to Launch Your Own Affiliate Program

If you ask me, the answer to that question is a tad blurred. Let me explain why!

You have brands that jump into it right away upon launch or new launch of products or services.
Then you have brands that are more held back on the idea of starting affiliate marketing and prefer to grow brand awareness through other channels and strategies before implementing the programs. 
There’s no right or wrong to each route and it comes down to preference and what you’re comfortable with for your brand in the season that it’s currently in. However, there are some helpful points to determine if your brand might be ready to launch an affiliate marketing program that could offer some courage to dive in if you’re feeling reserved about the idea of implementing the program.
Let’s explore the differences between the two routes of: jumping right in or waiting before we get into the steps to know if your brand is affiliate...
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